

No soul or spirit is ever too young to start its own journey. The foundations of our morals, values, and core character traits are formed in our early years. For this reason, the ATA Tigers program is an essential way to enhance the growth and development of pre-school and kindergarten aged children through the discipline of Songahm Taekwondo. As time passes, we become more advanced in understanding the many ways children learn and develop. Engagement is a key component of building a lasting connection with this age group. The ATA Tigers program is designed to allow the program to feel more relatable for Tiger students and provide strong visual cues to help them align their achievements and goals.

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Karate Kids

Parents are continually looking for an activity that is more than just great exercise but will also teach their children the skills they will use throughout their lives. When the ATA introduced the original Karate for Kids program in 1986, martial arts children all over the world began to include lessons in Discipline, Self Esteem, and Respect into their daily training. This program has since become the largest group of students in the ATA. Through the years, how children learn and what motivates them has changed. It is for this reason that we have taken the time to update this very important program to meet these needs while building upon the solid foundation of what is our core program.



The ATA Leadership Program offers students personal development through advanced training programs to accelerate their martial arts skills, as well as valuable life skill lessons that they will apply daily, inside and outside the classroom.

Teaching students to find their own strengths, be disciplined in their actions and develop a “Yes I Can” attitude, are just a few of the benefits that will equip them to meet the challenges of leadership.